Lead-Based Paint Program Inspector Exam
3 Hour Course
- $30.00
In order to get a certification as a lead-based paint inspector one must:
- Successfully complete and receive a course completion certificate from an accredited lead-based paint inspector training course
- Pass a lead-based paint inspector certification exam.
At Your Pace Online has partnered with the Oregon Health Authority in order to offer the lead-based paint inspector certification exam through our online proctoring system.
Before scheduling your exam, you will need to fill out the Lead-Based Paint Program Examination Request Form and send it to the Oregon Health Authority. They will then inform At Your Pace Online of your eligibility for the exam and you will be able to schedule a test.
This exam contains 104 questions and you will have 3 hours to complete it. Our proctoring system utilizes a webcamera, which can either be attached to your computer or on a mobile device. The actual test must be taken on a computer. During the exam you may not use any notes or outside assistance. Please make sure to remove any written material, any writing implements, and ensure that you will not be disturbed during the exam. Failure to follow the exam procedures will result in failing the test.
You are allowed 3 attempts to pass your exam, and you must reschedule each attempt individually. If you fail to pass the exam in those three attempts you will need to speak with OHA and become re-eligible.
Show Course ID: 0
- Approved By: Oregon Health Authority
Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.