8 Hour Building Code Course
8 Hour Course
- 4.4 885 Reviews
- $68.00
This continuing education course for Oregon contractors consists of eight hours of instruction on the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.
Before going into the Code, the course starts out with a brief explanation of the meaning of terms commonly found in regulatory language.
The course starts out with an examination of administrative issues contained in Chapter One including duties and powers of a building official, permit requirements, and prohibited acts.
The course will then discuss how the code regulates swimming pools and hot tubs.
From there, the course will look at newly added definitions.
Then, the course will talk about building planning with an emphasis on fire-resistant construction of townhouses. The course will also tackle other building planning topics including smoke alarms, use of plastics, moisture control, accessibility, wildfire hazard mitigation, and elevators and platform lifts.
Next, the course will explore the Code's regulation of structural issues, specifically, foundations, floors, and the building exterior.
The course will then cover portions of the chapter of the Code that deals with energy efficiency.
After that, the course will address Chapter 13 and mechanical system requirements.
Then, the course will examine portions of Chapters 15, 16, and 18. These chapters contain the regulations that govern exhaust systems, duct systems, and chimneys and vents.
The course, next, takes a look at the regulation of engine and gas turbine-powered equipment and small ceramic kilns.
From there, the course will talk about solar energy systems.
Then, the course will cover regulation of fuel gas and low-rise apartments.
The course will then look at three of the appendices to the Code. Specifically, the course will address Appendix F, which is concerned with radon control methods, Appendix R, which governs light straw-clay construction, and Appendix S, which governs strawbale construction.
The course will end by briefly discussing the CCB complaint process.
Show Course ID: 1
- Course ID(s): SRA1376
- Approved By: State of Oregon: Construction Contractors Board
Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.